CFLeads Announces 2024-25 Economic Mobility Action Network Cohorts 

CFLeads Announces 2024-25 Economic Mobility Action Network Cohorts 
Economic Mobility Regional Convening – Kansas
CFLeads is supporting 20 community foundations that serve as local anchor entities working to advance economic mobility by offering an Economic Mobility Action Network starting September 2024.

In 2023, CFLeads was generously awarded a $4.8 million grant by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for our economic mobility work. This grant supports CFLeads’ Economic Mobility Action Network, a year-long learning network made up of two distinct cohorts of ten community foundations, each working to advance economic mobility with a focus on racial equity.  

CFLeads is committed to empowering community foundations to lead change in their local place-based work. With the Economic Mobility Action Network, we’re fostering collaboration among 20 community foundations to advance equitable economic mobility. By aligning our shared focus on racial equity with a community leadership lens, we’re driving systemic change that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our communities.
Mary L. ThomasPresident & CEO, CFLeads

We look forward to engaging with the following 20 community foundations across the nation:

Advanced Cohort Participants  

Intermediate Cohort Participants  

I am thrilled to announce the selection of an outstanding group of community foundations to join our Economic Mobility Action Network. The competitive process highlighted the incredible commitment and innovative approaches of applicants across the country. In making our selections, we considered not only the strength of each application but also the scope, geographic diversity, institutional alignment, and deep community engagement demonstrated by these foundations. We are confident that this cohort will drive meaningful change and advance economic mobility in their communities.
Dr. Leonard BrockVice President for Learning and Impact (Issues), CFLeads

The 20 participating community foundations will have the opportunity to explore using data tools and resources to further their economic mobility work with technical assistance and a capacity-building grant. More information is available on our EMAN webpage.  

Following a virtual orientation, each cohort will attend three in-person meetings with content expert speakers, peer advisement, and site-visits. The Advanced Cohort begins in September and the Intermediate Cohort follows with a November start.   

The Economic Mobility Action Network is led by CFLeads’ Economic Mobility team including:

  • Dr. Leonard M. Brock, Vice President for Learning and Impact
  • Amanda Hartigan, Project Director
  • Enida Jeteric, Program Manager
  • Kellie Alexander, Network Engagement Manager