Community foundations come together at Leading Locally 2023
We were pleased to be part of the Leading Locally 2023 conference in Denver this past month, hosted by the Council on Foundations! Mary L. Thomas, Len Bartel, and Sterling Speirn connected with community foundation leaders and staff across the country!
We enjoyed presenting at the CEONet Pre-Conference Retreat on what makes an excellent CEO and how community foundation leaders can apply those concepts to their work. Len Bartel, Vice President for Learning and Impact (Capacity-Building) also hosted a session on “Advancing Community Leadership Through Advocacy” alongside the following community foundation leaders:
- Betsy Constantine, Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
- Marisa Magallanez, Albuquerque Community Foundation
- Shelly Prichard, Wichita Foundation
Thank you to everyone who participated!

ELI for CFOs discuss the community foundation business model
The ELI for CFO 2022-23 cohort met in June to discuss community foundation business models and how their individual business models could better support community leadership.
Thank you to Betsy Constantine, President & CEO and Myra S. Lawrence, VP, Finance of the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo for sharing their foundation’s business model!
Connecting Communities in the Americas
For the monthly peer resource sharing of Connecting Communities in the Americas (CCA), community foundations from Mexico, Argentina and the U.S. heard from Len Bartel, CFLeads who discussed the evolution of the CFLeads Framework for Community Leadership and how it is integrated into the broader Community Leadership Field Guide for community foundations in the United States.
CCA will be inviting community foundations interested in piloting the Framework in Spanish and Portuguese in the coming months.

Dr. Gail Christopher joins the Fall Forum as a plenary speaker
In June, we were thrilled to announce that Dr. Gail Christopher, an award-winning change agent widely recognized for designing holistic strategies for social change, will be a plenary speaker at our Fall Forum, taking place on October 26 – 27 in Fort Myers, Florida!
As the current Executive Director of the National Collaborative for Health Equity, Dr. Christopher is known for her pioneering work to infuse holistic health and diversity concepts into public sector programs and policy discourse. She was previously the Senior Advisor and Vice President at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), and was the driving force behind the national, community-based Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation effort that many community foundations have been a part of.
As a distinguished leader, Dr. Christopher will talk to our audience about how racial healing concepts can help strengthen and empower community foundations in their commitment to fostering inclusive and equitable communities. She will also host a conversation with community foundation leader that are currently engaged in racial healing work.
If you are interested in attending but are not an investor, please visit the Support Our Work page to learn more or email us at investors@cfleads.org.