Our issues-based work takes many forms, from multi-meeting learning networks to single-day symposiums and online webinars. The issues we work on are ever-evolving as different priorities arise for communities across the country. This page features a few of the issues we are currently focused on.
We are also grateful to have a network of community foundations willing to share their experiences around a wide range of issues with their peers. These stories will be featured on our blog.
Connecting Communities in the Americas
At CCA, we connect community foundations across the Americas to foster trust and promote resilience in ever-growing transnational communities.
Economic Mobility
Community foundations can play an important role in improving the economic well-being of families in their community.
Racial Equity
Community foundations across the country are working to reduce racial inequities in their communities.
Community Safety
Just like COVID-19, gun violence is a public health issue. When it comes to everyday violence, exposure to gun violence is the primary driver of more gun violence.
Welcoming & Belonging
Learn about the Community of Practice joint offering between CFLeads and Welcoming America.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
CFLeads and ABFE are joining forces to offer a free new cohort program in 2025 for community foundations to collaboratively engage with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and advance their racial equity agenda.