CFLeads Racial Equity Statement

CFLeads abides by the following beliefs, principles, and understandings:

Race, ethnicity, place, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, and physical ability should not determine a person’s life outcomes. We can create an equitable future in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential.

Structural racism – the system of public policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms that work in reinforcing ways – limits the ability of particular populations of Americans, e.g., people of color, from fully participating economically, socially, civically. Structural racism is tied to anti-Blackness and America’s historic and contemporary relationship with Indigenous people, but its effects extend beyond Black and White populations. Addressing structural racism is foundational to the well-being of all communities.

By explicitly addressing racial equity, community foundations will be successful in strengthening communities. They will be most effective in advancing racial equity by taking action to:

  • Ensure that affected communities are integral to decisions that affect their health, economic, social and/or educational wellbeing. Without this, society will be unable to identify and act on the strongest solutions;
  • Reshape narratives that contribute to racialized outcomes to instead lift up our common humanity, inspire empathy, and welcome people into this work; and
  • Reimagine and transform the policies and institutions that are creating inequities today. 

A core CFLeads purpose is to support community foundations in their racial equity journey. Having already taken tangible actions (e.g., learning networks, field research, and convenings) to build the field’s ability to advance racial equity, we commit to continuous learning and growth both internally and externally as we support the field’s racial equity commitment and action.

Through its offerings and influence in the field, CFLeads strives to cultivate community foundations in their desire to achieve equitable outcomes in their communities.