Author: CFLeads

CFLeads Snapshot: April

CFLeads had an exciting month as we collaborated with organizations to uplift community foundation stories, led CEOs in their first Executive Leadership Institute training and facilitated conversations about youth voices in philanthropy.

Two woman chatting at a table with coffee.

Southwest Initiative Foundation: Connectedness that Can Change the Narrative

See how the Southwest Initiative Foundation advanced economic mobility in their community through CFLeads' two-year Economic Mobility Action Network pilot.

Group of people standing together.

San Francisco Foundation: A Shared New Vision for Building Wealth

Learn more about how the San Francisco Foundation advanced economic mobility in their community through CFLeads' two-year Economic Mobility Action Network pilot.

CFLeads Snapshot: March

It was a busy month at CFLeads as we announced our new President & CEO and worked with community foundations to strengthen their community leadership, share resources and evaluate their anti-hate protocols.

Image of Mary L. Thomas

CFLeads names community leader Mary L. Thomas as its next President & CEO

Mary will join the CFLeads team in May.

Two people sitting at a table having a conversation over coffee.

Greater Cincinnati Foundation: Centering the Focus on Black Women

Check out what the Greater Cincinnati Foundation accomplished during their time in the Economic Mobility Action Network pilot!

Two people standing and looking at a book together.

Foundation for Louisiana: Linking Economic and Environmental Justice

See how the Foundation for Louisiana advanced economic mobility in their community through CFLeads' two-year Economic Mobility Action Network pilot.

People sitting at a round table listening to a speaker.

Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo: Collaborating Across Sectors

We’re sharing community foundation stories from our recently published report, Advancing Economic Mobility in our Communities, which documents the outcomes of these community foundations

People sitting at a long table speaking on a panel.

The Chicago Community Trust: We Rise Together

See how six outstanding community foundation teams from across the country advanced economic mobility in their communities through CFLeads' two-year Economic Mobility Action Network pilot.

CFLeads Snapshot: February

Dozens of community foundations from across the Americas strengthened their community leadership this month through CFLeads programs and events.