Category: CCA Post

Creando Una Visión Desde el Territorio

Lo que sigue es una entrevista con Kelly Mejía, directora ejecutiva de Fundación Territorial Paisano.

Bird's eye view of Bogota, Colombia

Capturing the Vision of the Community Through Local Conversations

Learn more about Fundación Territorial Paisano Lisa Schalla, CCA Project Director and Kelly Mejía, Executive Director of Fundación Territorial Paisano in Bogota, Colombia.

Different colored carousels in nature.

Ensuring that multilingual community members have access to information they need

This blog post was written by Lisa Schalla, Project Director of the Connecting Communities in the Americas initiative. List courtesy of Jill Wheeler, Senior

People sitting on a stage on a panel discussion.

Community Philanthropy in the Americas: Innovative Approaches

This past February, 117 participants from 35 community foundations and 19 other organizations from 10 countries across the Americas met in Guadalajara, Mexico, for the 2023 Connecting Communities in the Americas Gathering, Community Philanthropy in the Americas: Innovative Approaches.

Large group of people gathered outside

CCA Symposium: Culture, Identity, and Equity in San Antonio

Highlights from the Connecting Communities in the Americas Symposium in San Antonio in English and Spanish.

Four Ways to Support our Immigrant Communities in 2022

A blog post reflecting on how community foundations and philanthropy support organizations can support immigrant families and others that are in the process of migration.

A Mexican Community Foundation Talks About Fostering Community Engagement

An interview with Fundación Comunitaria Malinalco.

How can we help to create a new “normal” through philanthropy?

A bilingual blog post reflecting on a recent webinar from Urban Institute with the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders.