Topic: CFLeads Programs

Two woman chatting at a table with coffee.

Southwest Initiative Foundation: Connectedness that Can Change the Narrative

See how the Southwest Initiative Foundation advanced economic mobility in their community through CFLeads' two-year Economic Mobility Action Network pilot.

Two people sitting at a table having a conversation over coffee.

Greater Cincinnati Foundation: Centering the Focus on Black Women

Check out what the Greater Cincinnati Foundation accomplished during their time in the Economic Mobility Action Network pilot!

Two people standing and looking at a book together.

Foundation for Louisiana: Linking Economic and Environmental Justice

See how the Foundation for Louisiana advanced economic mobility in their community through CFLeads' two-year Economic Mobility Action Network pilot.

People sitting at a round table listening to a speaker.

Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo: Collaborating Across Sectors

We’re sharing community foundation stories from our recently published report, Advancing Economic Mobility in our Communities, which documents the outcomes of these community foundations

People sitting at a long table speaking on a panel.

The Chicago Community Trust: We Rise Together

See how six outstanding community foundation teams from across the country advanced economic mobility in their communities through CFLeads' two-year Economic Mobility Action Network pilot.

New Report: Advancing Economic Mobility in our Communities

A new report documenting the results of CFLeads' Economic Mobility Action Network pilot.

CFLeads announces ELI for VPs 2022-23 cohort

Meet our 2022-23 Executive Leadership Institute for VPs cohort!