ELI for CFOs

ELI for CFOs
ELI for CFOs is a year-long learning opportunity that focuses exclusively on community leadership for community foundation financial officers.

A new offering in our Executive Leadership Institute program, the ELI for CFOs cohort meets for one two-day virtual gathering to assess their organization’s community leadership practice, exchange stories about their organization’s successes and challenges, and debate and explore the appropriate role of finance in supporting their community foundation’s community leadership agenda. 

The cohort also participates in quarterly calls to facilitate focused conversations on specific topics and workshop individual challenges.

Participating in ELI has created space for me to live into my role as a community foundation CFO and benefit from the valuable knowledge and resources shared by my peers.
Bill Andrews, Chief Financial OfficerFairfield County’s Community Foundation


  • Create a better understanding of the key elements of community leadership for community foundations;
  • Identifying finance’s role in helping to support the community foundation’s community leadership strategies and practices;
  • Advance specific community leadership practices at participating CFOs’ foundations;
  • Build peer connections and seed potential collaboration through peer learning and collaborative problem solving; and
  • Make progress on a self-identified community leadership challenge.

2023-24 Cohort

Our 2023-24 ELI for CFOs cohort includes:

People at a table talking

ELI for CFOs Alumni

Previous cohorts of the Executive Leadership Institute for CFOs.