Executive Leadership Institute

Executive Leadership Institute
ELI for CEOs 2022 in Pittsburgh.
We created the Executive Leadership Institute for community foundation leaders in response to growing recognition in the field that the practice of community leadership requires specific skills and strategies.

As communities across the country face increasing challenges and competing needs, community foundations are stepping up, leveraging their many assets to work with residents and partners across sectors to tackle tough issues. 

The Executive Leadership Institute (ELI) is a year-long learning opportunity that focuses exclusively on community leadership. We offer a number of ELIs each year to a range of community foundation leaders.

A must-attend! No greater learning experience or opportunity exists in the community foundation field.

Shelly O’QuinnCEO, Innovia Foundation

ELI creates the space for participants to learn from their peers while working towards their own community leadership goals. This program is a great fit for any community foundation leaders who are:

  • Looking to step up their game and deepen their foundation’s impact
  • Seeking information on the practices that have shown promise elsewhere
  • Interested in exchanging ideas with their peers and getting advice from colleagues who understand their challenges

Opportunities to Participate in ELI

We are currently offering Executive Leadership Institutes for community foundation CEOs, VPs, CFOs and CEO/board pairs. Please visit the pages below to learn more about each cohort and opportunities to join.

For any Executive Leadership Institute inquiries, please contact Enida Jeteric, Program Manager, at ejeteric@cfleads.org or 617-226-9906.

ELI for CEOs

ELI for CEOs is a year-long learning opportunity focusing exclusively on community leadership for community foundation CEOs.

Picture of ELI for VPs members standing and posing.

ELI for VPs

ELI for VPs is a year-long learning opportunity focusing exclusively on community leadership for community foundation vice presidents.

ELI for CFOs

ELI is a year-long learning opportunity that focuses exclusively on community leadership for community foundation CFOs.